Does Personal Experience Matter for a Psychedelic-Assisted Therapist?

July 1, 2024

By Isabelle McKenzie

We’re in an era where the field of psychedelic-assisted therapy is growing and evolving rapidly. On a week to week basis, there are a plethora of updates on policy, research, and best practices. As clinicians explore this exciting frontier, a key question arises: do I need to have a psychedelic experience myself to be an effective guide for my clients? This is especially relevant for those considering leading psychedelic-assisted retreats.

In this post, we discuss the potential benefits of personal experience and its impact on your work as a ketamine-assisted therapist or other psychedelic therapy practitioner.

The Value of Personal Experience

Firsthand experience with psychedelics offers clear advantages. It can deepen your empathy for your client's journey, fostering a stronger connection. This personal understanding often translates to more informed and supportive guidance during sessions.

These experiences can also inspire new therapeutic approaches beyond textbook learning. Often, psychedelics lead to profound personal insights, aiding you in addressing your own challenges and enhancing your overall well-being. The personal growth gained from these experiences can make you a more present and grounded therapist.

Professional Effectiveness

Participating in psychedelic training or workshops, regardless of your psychedelic history, can further your expertise. Focus on training programs that incorporate ethical considerations and best practices for safe and effective therapy. Seek out programs that include a robust focus on preparation and integration sessions.

A common question we hear is whether academic training alone is sufficient. Some argue that non-ordinary states of consciousness, induced by meditation or holotropic breathwork, can help therapists understand the effects of psychedelic journeys. While these are extremely valuable, we believe the psychedelic-induced state of consciousness is unique and experiencing it at least once can enhance a therapist's ability to support clients.

Even as a participant, observing experienced professionals in action can provide valuable insights and practical skills. Empathic listening and understanding, modeled by trained clinicians, are fundamental skills that can be cultivated through various training methods, including mindfulness practices and reflective exercises. Seeing these skills in action in the context of a psychedelic experience can provide an invaluable opportunity for learning so that a therapist can understand what their client may be moving through. 

Our Approach: Learn by Experiencing a Ketamine-Assisted Mindfulness Retreat Yourself

At Relationship Resources, our "Cultivating Joy” Ketamine-Assisted Mindfulness Retreats integrate scientific rigor with spiritual exploration. Led by licensed therapists and physicians with extensive experience, we incorporate mindfulness-based stress reduction (MBSR), creative writing, guided meditations, and other wellness practices. We believe that this group format is very powerful and that the group itself becomes the medicine. 

We recently began offering this retreat format specifically for licensed mental health professionals, many of whom are interested in replicating the retreat format themselves and wanting to understand best practices. In this regard, experiencing our retreat format and the Ketamine-Assisted portion of it firsthand can be a vital component of understanding its power. 

Participants build upon foundational training, enhancing their clinical skills through intensive learning and experiential sessions. Participants will be able to observe important steps firsthand, such as intake procedures, preparation and integration, medical safety monitoring, and practices for exploring self through non-ordinary states of consciousness. Through direct experience, attendees explore the medical, biological, psychological, and transpersonal dimensions of the ketamine experience when combined with mindfulness.

This comprehensive approach ensures participants develop informed and responsible practices around the therapeutic use of ketamine. A thorough screening process ensures that participants are well suited for this group container and that the retreat provides a safe, supportive environment for transformative work.

Considering Your Own Retreat?

Our retreats offer valuable insights for therapists aspiring to host their own psychedelic-assisted programs. You'll gain firsthand experience with:

  • Retreat Logistics: How to curate a safe, supportive, and transformative environment with streamlined operations for the application and booking process
  • Facilitating Sessions: Observe and participate in guided sessions by experienced and licensed therapists, acquiring practical skills.
  • Building Community: Connect with like-minded professionals and foster a supportive network for asking questions and seeking support.

Our program includes diverse modalities to enhance the preparation and integration process, such as movement practices, Noble Communication, meditation, sound journeys, journaling, and group activities.

Whether you have prior experience or are new to the field, our retreats support your growth as a skilled, empathetic therapist. Gain valuable knowledge, develop essential skills, and join a thriving community advancing novel modalities in mental healthcare.


The field of psychedelic-assisted therapy is evolving faster than most can keep up with, raising important questions about the role of personal experience. Comprehensive training programs can provide a foundation of knowledge and skills to start with. However, we believe that complementing this training with a personal experience with psychedelics in a safe, supportive container is a key component to becoming an effective psychedelic-assisted therapist. 

We acknowledge that access to certain psychedelic substances may be challenging depending on where you live in the world. Legal avenues such as research trials, licensed facilitator training, traveling abroad, or ketamine-assisted therapy retreats in the US can offer opportunities for experience.

Embracing these opportunities can enhance your professional capabilities and contribute to a holistic, integrative approach to mental healthcare.

To learn more about Relationship Resources’ retreats, please click here.

Disclaimer: This blog post is for informational purposes only and does not constitute medical advice. Consult a qualified healthcare professional for more information. Psychedelic substances have potential therapeutic benefits but are regulated in the United States. This post focuses on ketamine-assisted mindfulness retreats. Legalities and regulations of other psychedelics may vary by region. Relationship Resources does not condone illegal use of any substances.

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